Thursday, October 5, 2017

Written Laws And Unwritten Laws

I’ve been thinking a great deal about written laws (Jupiter) vs. unwritten laws (Neptune) as it pertains to our current political situation and our current PEOTUS (now POTUS) Donald Trump. Trump has been an agent of change as is indicated in his natal chart with natal Uranus conjunct natal Sun. One of those changes is that he has pretty much ignored many unwritten laws or rules on his way to the White House. He has ignored the long standing tradition of presidential candidates disclosing their federal income tax returns to the public. The public (for the most part) believes this to be the law, but it’s not (federal or state - that could be changing). Last year during the presidential campaigns, we experienced transiting Jupiter (the law) opposite transiting Neptune (unwritten law), and with transiting Saturn (reality) squaring both from Sagittarius. In Trump’s natal chart, Mercury is in a square aspect to Neptune. Trump’s natal Mercury is conjunct the nation’s natal Jupiter. The nation’s progressed Sun is in Pisces, and transiting Neptune has been conjunct the nation’s progressed Sun (leader) as it transits close to eleven and a half degrees Pisces.

And, now Trump is threatening to break written laws (because the POTUS is not subject to certain conflicts of interests laws, according to Trump). He is pretty much planning to break the Emoluments Clause in the US Constitution. Most presidents-elect divest of their financial investments - ones that could cause conflicts of interest with performing the duties of POTUS unencumbered by personal financial interests. Transiting Pluto is now squaring Trump’s natal Jupiter. This aspect can give one the idea or impression that he or she is above the law. It will be interesting to see how this plays out, because transiting Saturn is also in opposition to Trump’s natal Sun right now. We don’t usually get away with breaking rules or laws under such astrological configurations.  

The Trump University Debacle

It seems that the Republican nominee for president has gotten bogged down with a lawsuit against him and Trump University (a school that Trump opened in 2005 to teach others his secrets to making money in the real estate industry). The plaintiffs allege fraud in their lawsuit. The judge is Latin American and was born in Indiana. Trump wants him to recuse himself, and has had a major meltdown over it in the past couple of weeks. What are the astrological aspects pertaining to these events? I’ll discuss that in the following paragraphs.

Transiting Uranus (along with the asteroid, Eris) is currently transiting Trump’s ninth house of the law as well as politics and higher education (this school was not accredited, however). And, transiting Uranus is in a square aspect to Trump’s natal Saturn (in Cancer, the sign of real estate) in his eleventh house. Trump’s fellow republicans have not responded favorably to Trump’s anger and his diatribes about this judge at all. He wants the judge recused because as Trump puts it, “he’s Mexican.” Mr. Trump is upset because he believes that Judge Curiel should have dismissed the case in its entirety on summary judgment, which he did not do. He is also upset because Judge Curiel unsealed certain court documents pertaining to the case.

Mars is currently retrograding through Scorpio. Trump’s first outburst occurred as Mars was about to square his natal Ascendant in Leo. That was on May 26th. The exact square happened the next morning (on the West Coast). As usual, Trump did not and has not backed down, although he did not mention this issue after he won the California primary on June 7, 2016. He issued a statement earlier that day that his comments had been misconstrued. Trumps’ natal Mars is conjunct his Ascendant, and transiting Mars squared his natal Mars on June 6th. Expect more outbursts as Mars turns direct and again aspects this area of Trump’s chart later in July. The planet heads into this area again as the GOP holds its convention the next to the last week in July in Cleveland.

A bit about Trump University: It was incorporated in 2004, but I do not have the exact date for that. However, the project was rolled out and began on May 23, 2005. Mr. Trump was experiencing his second Saturn return at the time. This is a time of endings and then new beginnings. The second Saturn return traditionally symbolizes a period of preparation for old age and the later part of life. He probably felt that he had enough experience and success that he could teach others his secrets of success. On that date, there was a full Moon in Sagittarius (the sign of higher education). Transiting Mercury (in Taurus) was in a square aspect to Neptune (in Aquarius). This would indicate that at the very least the project was not thought out and/or planned very well. Neptune is a dubious influence here, so it could also indicate fraudulent activity. Transiting Uranus (right now) is squaring Saturn in this chart as well as Trumps natal Saturn representing the challenge that he now faces with this lawsuit moving forward.  

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

President Trump's Misogyny

Today, June 29, 2017, Trump posted a couple of misogynistic, disgusting, and extremely offensive tweets aimed at the co-host of Morning Joe on MSNBC, Mika Brzezinski. This is not the first time that his misogyny has surfaced in public and probably won’t be the last. But, what aspects symbolize this tirade? I’ll try to explain below.

First, the Moon is transiting the latter part of Virgo today and squares both his natal Sun and his natal Moon. This brings into focus his natal Sun/Moon opposition along with his issues with women. Transiting Saturn has retrograded back into an opposition to his natal Sun now. Transiting Venus is conjunct his MC (top of his chart), which squares his natal Mars, as well today. A little restraint could have made this aspect work out much better for him, but restrained does not describe Trump in any way, shape or form. In Trump’s natal chart, Venus is conjunct Saturn in Cancer. Transiting Uranus is still in a wide square to his natal Saturn/Venus. Sudden events bring this problem into focus.

Transiting Mercury has been close to transiting Mars the last couple of days (in Cancer), and this indicates fiery and sharp words in general. It’s been happening across the board, but Trump is the President of the United States. He should be above this sort of back and forth. It was not dignified or worthy of the Office of the President.